Wednesday 6 November 2013


الحرف الباء
Letter Baa

"A" and I will be working on the Arabic alphabet along with the English. He knows the letters but he doesn't recognize all of them. The first letter were starting with is Baa. The reason why am I am doing it out of order is to make sure he isn't just memorizing it. But that he is able to recognize all the letters and all there different forms. 

All the worksheets are from Syraj Arabic Printable

The letter Baa worksheets are free on their website here.

Colour the baa according to the colour of its dot. Big brother helped him with this activity. This activity encourages alphabet recognition and the Arabic colours.  
letter baa tracing and penguin craft (بطرق)

The boys and I made a nest for our بطة (duck) using string, paint, and glue. This was a really fun craft.

Arabic vocabulary practice. I gave "A" cards with pictures of things that start with harf baa. He matched the picture to the object and repeated the name of each object after me.

Monday 4 November 2013

A Pair of Red Clogs (FIAR)

Islamic Studies:

In the story Mako wanted to lie to her mother so she could get a new pair of clogs. After thinking about it she decided that it was not a good idea to lie. I discussed with the boys about being honest and the virtues of honesty. 

For Islamic studies we memorized a hadeeth of the Prophet (sallahu 'alaihi wa salam);

Abdullah narrated: The Prophet (SAW) said, "Indeed truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to paradise. (Tarmidah 2406).

To help the boys memorize the hadeeth I put a poster up on the wall with the hadeeth in both English and Arabic. 

I also made a booklet for "O" to trace each word of the hadeeth. He also used the white board to write the hadeeth to practice his penmanship.

The word we focused on most was the Arabic word for truth الصدق.
I included a disc from my box of Manners from Learning Roots

"O" practicing with the white board. 
I also had "O" track the weather for the week. But I had him tell me in Arabic what the weather is. This was a good practice since his working on weather and seasons in his Arabic class. 

كيف حال جوّ؟


After we read the story we discussed the setting. We located Japan on our globe. Coloured in the flag/map of Japan. And put our flag sticker on the boys passports.The map/flag of China are from Confessions of a homeschooler Expedition Earth.

We talked about what people wear and eat in Japan. We also learned had to say hello in Japanese (Kon'nichiwa).


We discussed what onomatopoeia words mean. We found the sound words in the book and highlighted them using our highlighter tape. 

Copy work from homeschool Share


Kimono doll bookmark here


Since this book had a weather theme I decided to do a making rain science experiment with the boys.

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Delightful Learning