Lately we've been incorporating unit studies in our homeschool. Its been a lot of fun and it holds the boys interested. I let them pick a topic or base my unit study on a question one of the boys has asked. "O" has been into animals lately so that's what our main focus has been on.
So far we've done a unit study on skunks (weird I know but boys will be boys ), owls, and next will work on bees. All of the unit studies were in English so I decided to make whatever we study next in Arabic.
The boys requested to do a unit study on Insects so that's what this post is about.
1. الحشر : The Insect
2. الحشرات : The Insects
3. النمل: The ant
4. The spider العنكبوت
5. The butterfly الفراشة
6. The grasshopper الجندب
7.The fly الدبابة
8 The bee النحلة
9 The mosquito البعوضة
I used card stack paper and bonded them together using craft rope. |