Wednesday 29 June 2016

Preschool Letter T Activities!

Letter: T
Vocabulary Theme: Pond Life
Shape: Square
Color: Green

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you our first letter of the week activities for our preschool year. I started my son's school a month earlier then his brothers, because I wanted to be able to transition him and have some one on one time without having to worry about all the other lessons. We started with the letter T as our first letter.  
Here's a loose schedule I followed. Click on the image to download. I've included clickable links for the worksheets, crafts, and books so that it's easy to find everything. 

For science we learned all about what animals live in a pond. He worked on a matching activity and did some fun sensory play. You can find the worksheet and the full post here.

We worked on counting 1-10 and some 1:1 correspondence from 1-3.

Large floor numbers are from here

The printable is from here and the small turtles I purchased at Michael's.

Fine Motor:
We did some lacing activities and pom pom transferring.

 Printable from here

Bury the turtle eggs. 


Learning Notebook:

 T is for Turtle do a dot page. 

Capital/lowercase sort. 


craft is from here

Letter T Mystery Bag:

 I put some objects that start with the letter t in a drawstring bag and had him pull out one object at a time saying the name ex: T-T-T Turtle.

That's it for our letter T activities. He also did a lot of puzzles, played outside and had fun with his brothers. 

Until next time :)

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Monday 27 June 2016

Who Lives in a Pond?

I love exploring science topics with my preschooler. Today we learned all about ponds and what animals are found in a pond. We did some matching activities, learning new vocabulary and some fun water play.

Vocabulary we practiced:
  1. Pond
  2. Lilly Pad
  3. Dragonfly
  4. Fly
  5. Fish
  6. Turtle
  7. Duck
  8. Frog
  9. On and In ("The duck is in the water, the duck is on the lilly pad")
I set up a "Who lives in a pond" matching activity for him which he really enjoyed.

What you need for this activity is
  1. Printable (can be found at the end of this post)
  2. Animal Figurines (turtle, duck, dragonfly, fly, frog and fish)
  3. Print and laminate
 As he matched each animal I would say "a fish lives in a pond, a turtle lives in a pond so on and so forth."

Who lives in a pond Sensory Play

A book we enjoyed

This was a short and fun activity that my son really enjoyed. I am intentionally doing more activities with him because of his speech delay. He has gained so much more language with each activity we do. I hope you enjoy the free printable :)

Read the World: Multicultural Week

Hi guys! I am so excited Read the World summer book club has official started this week. This week is Multicultural week. I grabbed the boys books from the library using the book list suggested in "Give Your Child the World."

  1. Whoever You Are
  2. All the Colors of the Earth
  3. One World, One Day
  4. Little Humans
  5. Me on the Map
  6. Children Just Like Me
  7. The Red book
We have loved all the books and the boys have read them over and over again. This week is pretty laid back no worksheets or activities involved just some good old reading.

If you are on Instagram make sure to visit the #Giveyourchildtheworld to see more book suggestions and other families participating in the book club. Make sure to check out Simple Homeschool for the reading schedule.

What are your summer reading plans?

Sunday 26 June 2016

Teddy Bear Shapes (FREEBIE)

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you a free shape printable. My son has been learning his shapes so I created this fun teddy bear shape match activity for him.

Material Needed:
  1. Teddy Bear shape printable (found at the end of this post)
  2. Laminator
  3. Clear Velcro dots 

Print and laminate cards (optional). To save on my laminating pouches I laminate two sheets back to back. After laminating I put clear Velcro dots so that the shapes wouldn't move around to much.

I would say the name of each shape as he found the match. "This is a square, can you find me the other square?"

If your child is just learning to identify his/her shapes I would suggest starting with less cards and working your way up.

I hope you and your little one enjoy this activity.
Click on the image to download. 

Follow our preschool/kindergarten Pinterest board for more ideas!

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Tot School Gathering Place
Montessori Monday
Practical Monday

Monday 20 June 2016

3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices (2016-2017)

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you our curriculum choices for my 3rd grader. Even though he works at about a 4th grade level. This year he will be an official 3rd grader. Where is the time going? :(

Language Arts:
  1. All about Spelling level 5
  2. Rod and Staff Grade 4 (Grammar)
  3. Rooted in Reading (He'll be joining in with his brother)
  4. Wordly Wise Book 3 (Vocabulary)
  5. Independent Reading (I'll share his required reading list on a separate post)
  6. Write On! (writing)

  1. Math U See Gemma
  2. Evan Moor word problems grade 3
  3. Life of Fred Edge wood and Farming
Islamic Studies:
  1. We will be going through the seerah of the Prophet (SAW) using "When the Moon Split" (Dad will be leading this).  
  2. Memorizing the 30th Juz (he is currently working on this with his dad, and they'll continue)
  3. Tafseer based on the Surah's he memorizes (with Dad)
Science: (Group Subject)
We will be using Apologia Exploring Creation with Anatomy and Physiology. I shared all about that here.

Geography: (Group Subject)
This year we will be learning all about Canada. I will share more details of all the material I gathered for this subject on a separate post. Here are some free resources I created to go along with our Canada study.
  1. Canada Powerpoint Presentation
  2. Animals of Canada

History: (Group Subject)
  1. Story of the World Volume 2 plus activity book. I got the boys the audio version just to enjoy in the car. They love Story of the World.
  1. Both boys go to Arabic class twice a week
  2. Field trips with our homeschool group (which ever ones we're interested in)
  3. French (both boys will be starting French this year)
  4. Homework (for about 20 minutes every evening they will rotate between math and language arts). I'll be using different resources just to help them master some topics they might be struggling with. 
  5. Read aloud List

That's it guys! What grades will you be teaching this upcoming school year?

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Tuesday 14 June 2016

Summer Plans

Happy Summer guys! Finally the weather is getting warmer around here and we are enjoying our summer break. Even though we are not doing our regular school routine, I still like to have some plans for my kids. It keeps them from 1. forgetting everything we learned and 2. it keeps them from driving me crazy with "mommy I am bored".

Here is our summer plans;

1. Review

We are using summer review packets I purchased off of teachers pay teachers for both boys. I love it because it is simple, covers both language arts/math, and a solid review of what we covered. I only require them to do a page out of the book but most often they will do 2 or 3 pages.

I purchased the 1st grade and 2nd grade summer review packet.

2. Library and Lots of Reading

The boys are required to read for an 1 hour each day. They often will go over that time if they are really into a story. I don't have a required reading list for them just what ever they enjoy reading. I also read aloud to both boys. We are almost done reading Farmer Boy which we have been enjoying. We also visit the library once every two weeks and they end up getting lots of books to read.

We will also be participating in a summer reading challenge "Read the world summer book club."  
We will be reading one book from a different part of the world using Give your child the world as a guide. I am excited about this because it will keep me accountable. Make sure you visit the link above for more details if you want to participate its FREE.

3. Science and fun experiments

My boys really enjoy science and doing experiments. Once a week we do a fun experiment no worksheets, lab reports just fun and hands on. We are currently reading, learning and observing caterpillars. We are having a blast watching them go through all their changes.

And lastly we will enjoy lots of time out doors with friends and family. Parks, splash pads, and outdoor theme parks.

I hope you guys are having a fabulous summer :).

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