Sunday 22 March 2020


Ramadan is fast approaching and we are so excited. Allahumma Ballighna Ramadan (Ameen). I wanted to share with you some activities we've done to make Ramadan special in our house.

Learning all about the Moon

You can grab this fun game from my TPT store. It includes du'a copy work. Just click on the image above.

Using the game board from the game above you can do oreo cookies moon phases. Delicious and fun!

Read lots of books

Decorate and put together a Ramadan basket for the kids

You can keep it simple or go all out it's really up to you. I put chocolates, books, nootebook, some bubbles in the basket for them.

Quran Journal with your older kids

Pick a small surah to focus on learn the meaning and lessons from that surah. Learn some new vocabulary or listen to a lecture online. For younger kids learn about one prophet.

Here we learned about Esa (AS). Keep it simple since you will be fasting. 

Our favorite book to learn about the Prophets is Migo and Ali love for the prophets. It's simple and short for little ones.

Learn the 99 Names of Allah

You can learn one name a day by finding vidoes online or reading books.

I hope that you have gathered some ideas and are excited about Ramadan. What will you guys be doing during this special month.

Saturday 21 March 2020


The boys and I have been studying all about Africa. We read books, worked on some notebooking pages, and played a really fun game that I put together. The game helped us learn the different countries in Africa.

We learned about The Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Kushi. We also watched some documentries about ancient Africa, salt minning, and gold minning. We also learned about trade caravans.

Panning for Gold

For my little ones (6 and 4) we read Magic Treehouse books Lions at Lunchtime and Good Morning, Gorillas. We read about different animals in Africa and they also enjoyed playing the map game with their older brothers.

The older boys also practiced drawing Africa using the book Draw Africa. By the end of the unit they were able to draw the continent from memory.

We combined our art and notebooking together. Here the boys drew camels traveling in a trade caravan.

I put this fun game together for the boys and I to play to help us learn all the countries in Africa. You can grab a copy for free just click on the picture above. Instructions on how to play the game are included in the file. I hope you enjoy it just as much as we did.