Friday 11 March 2016

Ming Bowls (Story of the World)

We recently wrapped up chapter 10 in Story of the World. We learned a lot of great facts about ancient China. One of the activities suggested in the activity guide was to make a Ming bowl.

We used air drying clay which I purchased at Michaels, painted it white and decorated it with flowers and different patterns.

We completed this project over the course of a week. We had to allow drying period in between each step.

The boys used a q-tip to paint in their designs. 

The bowls turned out really nice, they were really proud of their work. This project really tested their patience :), but the finally result was worth the wait (so they tell me ;).

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  1. Interesting idea. Will be making bowls with my son too! I'll probably bake with some dough most probably.

    Pinning to the Practical Mondays Board:)

    1. Thank you for pinning my post. I hope your son enjoys making his bowl. :)
