Friday 8 July 2016

Homeschool Library Organization

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you how I organize our homeschool library. As most of you homeschooling mamas can relate we have A LOT of books. I needed a system that was easy and would work for even my preschooler. I keep our main book shelf in the school room so that the boys have easy access to the books. After looking around on Pinterest and other blogs I decided on a rainbow color system. I modified ours little bit. My boys are still young and would have a hard time keeping the library organized if they have to sort the books alphabetical or by genre so I came up with 6 categorize;

  1. Read Alouds
  2. Chapter books the boys can read themselves
  3. Picture books
  4. History and Science books
  5. Encyclopedias and reference books
  6. and Islamic Studies/Picture books
For each of the categories I assigned a rainbow color. Red is all the books that I read aloud to the boys, Orange is books they can read themselves, Yellow is picture books for my preschooler (ABC, 123, Nursery Rhymes, etc,), Green is all our history and science related books (fiction/nonfiction), Blue is all our encyclopedias, and Purple is all our Islamic study related books.

After I had all my categories and colors figured out I grabbed my masking tape and got to work. I did not want to print color coded labels because I didn't want to waste all that ink so I decided to use masking tape instead. The tape is really easy to work with and comes right off whenever I need to switch things around.

Here's all our Red books

Here's our orange books. Charlotte's web is housed here because we've read it so many times as a read aloud the boys are able to tackle this one themselves. This area houses all our A-Z mystery books, Magic Tree house books and other series my boys love. 

Here's all our Yellow books. My preschooler is able to just grab any book from this section and look at the pictures or we read them together. He is able to return it in the proper section himself with out any help from me. Super easy and keeps everything organized :). 

Here's our Green and Blue books. You can find our science dictionary and animal encyclopedias here.

I love how our new library looks and the kids have been enjoying all their books. I house all the rest of the books in our hallway closet, they are labeled and ready to be switched out whenever we need some new books. At the bottom of the shelf I keep a basket for our library books so that they don't get mixed up with our books. 

That's it guys I hope you enjoyed reading all about our homeschool library. How do you keep your books organized?

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After School Activities

Follow our book Pinterest board for more book ideas and suggestions.


  1. I should have done this when we moved into this house. I had 17 boxes of books in the school room! I tried to keep similar things together, but with 8 bookcases in here, it's hard for the kids to remember exactly where they got something, so it's not as organized as it used to be.

    1. I know what you mean. The books are always a challenge for me. This system has been working so far :). Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a GREAT idea! I love that. We often give up on finding books in our own home and just borrow them from the library. We have tried organizing them so many different ways but nothing seems to work. Pinned!

  3. This is wonderful, Ayan! I love your idea to use masking tape.
