Thursday 25 August 2016

Preschool Letter P Activities

Letter: P
Shape: Identifying Shapes Around Us
Color: Matching Color Names
Vocabulary Theme: Penguins

Hi guys! I hope you guys are having a great week. This week our letter focus was all things letter P. Here are some of the activities my preschooler enjoyed. All the free printables that I used are linked at the end of this post.


letter P beginning sound basket 

Along with these activities we practiced recognizing all the letters in his name. He wasn't really into it so I didn't push it. 


popcorn 1:1 correspondence

roll and cover. 

Since he already knows the names of the colors I added a bit of a challenge this week. We are working on recognizing the color names.

 Fine Motor:

 This was his favorite all activity all week. I using some cotton balls and some water mixed with yellow food coloring. He "buttered the popcorn" using a dropper. 

P is pumpkin lacing. 


Letter P pom pom painting. 

Sensory Play:

Popcorn and pumpkins

floating penguins.

Invitation to Explore:

Vocabulary :

I don't have a picture to share with you because most of our vocabulary practice happened at bedtime. He went to sleep with a stuffed penguin every night this week. So we talked about the different parts of a penguin pointing to each part and repeating after me. Flippers, beak, feathers, feet, etc.


Some of the books he enjoyed this week were Polar bear, Polar Bear, Panda Bear, Panda Bear, If you give a Pig a Pancake, and Penguins big Adventure.

Penguin roll and cover
Penguin Do a Dot page 
Popcorn 1:1 correspondence
Popcorn Fine Motor printable 
P pom pom painting printable


  1. I love this Ayan ma sha Allah. Looks like he had a tone of fun. You are totally AWESOME. Absolutely love your blog.

    1. Aww your so sweet Faiza :). Thanks for stopping by, I always love when you visit my blog.
