Tuesday 6 September 2016

Body Part Sensory Bin

Sensory play is one of my son's favorite part of his day, I try to incorporate a bit of sensory play in all of our themes. It's a simple, low prep way to sneak in some learning. This week we're extending our "my body" theme so I put together this simple sensory "body hunt" activity.

What You Will Need:
  1. Something to put in the sensory bin (I used popcorn seeds)
  2. Body part printable
  3. Container
  4. Tray (optional) I like to add a try under the sensory bin to catch any messes that might fall. 

 I hid the body part cards inside the bin. He would pull out a card, call out the name, and match it to the body part mat. 

This was a fun easy way for him to review his body parts. I hope you enjoyed seeing this activity, until next time :).

Linked Up With:
Montessori Monday
Tot School Gathering Place
Practical Monday 

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