Thursday 12 May 2016

Animals of Canada Free Printable

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share a free printable with you. For the 2016-2017 school year we will be learning all about Canada. We will cover all 10 provinces and 3 territories. This idea is not mine, we used Expedition Earth this year and one of the things my kids loved was the animals around the world wall.

They requested something similar for our Canada study. I couldn't locate anything on the internet so I put together my own. We are so excited to learn about these animals and display them in our school room.

I hope that you find it useful. I will share more about our animal wall, once we start our school year.
Click on the image above to download your free copy. 

I hope you are having a good week :).

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  1. This looks like it will be so much fun. We love Canada. Visited Canada 3 times. It is so incredibly beautiful.

    1. We live in the city :(. But Canada is truly beautiful and we can't wait to take a virtual trip around Canada this year. Thanks for stopping by :).

  2. How fun! I've been wanting to take my boys to Canada; my husband and I have enjoyed many trips there.

    1. What part of Canada do you guys usually visit? Thanks for stopping by :).

  3. I would like to thank you for the efforts you've put
    Calgary daycare

    1. Your welcome! I am glad it is of use to you. :)

  4. Hi. We would love this for Canada day lesson but the link isn't working. :(


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