Hi guys! I hope you had a wonderful homeschool week. Here's what we've been up to.
Unit Study:
This week we learned all about bays, we identified some on the map and created our vocabulary cards.
Language Arts:
We've been trying something different for grammar lately. Our main curriculum is Rod and Staff for my 3rd grader but he was getting bored with it. We've been using this wonderful mentor sentence lessons from here. We read a picture book and dissect a sentence from the book. We look at what makes it a good sentence, identify the parts of speech, and try to imitate the sentence. So far both boys have been loving it and we've been introduced to new books that we've never read before.
My first grader has been reviewing nouns using a book also. I threw in a worksheet to give him more practice.
This week has been a a week full of many changes for my 3rd grader. We were using Math U See Gemma but he was finding it too easy so we switched to Saxon Math. I am hoping this gives him the challenge he needs. We are just going to work through the beginning lessons pretty quickly and slow down once he reaches the challenging material.
The boys sorted Polygons and Quadrilaterals.
we made shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows.
They composed shapes using different shapes. Two trapezoids can make a hexagon. They learned about Vertices, Sides, and Angles. They also learned about different shapes such as a nonagon, decagon, do-decagon, etc. You can find this fun hands on unit here.
This week for history we finished up chapter 6 and started chapter 7. We did some narration, map work, and hung up our timeline cards that the boys put together.
You can read all about how we use story of the world here.
That's it for our week! I hope you had a fabulous week. :)
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Weekly Wrap Up