Tuesday 19 July 2016

Parking Garage Number Activity

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you a fun easy activity that your toddler/preschooler will love. We've been working on all things letter C around here and my little guy is obsessed with cars. To do this activity what you will need is;
  1. large board or paper 
  2. cars
  3. dot stickers to write the numbers on
  4. marker
I drew out my parking garage on a foam project board that I had lying around and used dot stickers to write the numbers 1-10 and adhered them to the cars. It's super simple and he played with it for hours. The objective of the activity is for your child to match the number on the car to the number in the parking space.

I hope you enjoy this fun, easy to prep activity.

Linked up with
Tot-School Gathering Place
Montessori Monday 
Preschool Kindergarten Community 
After School Linky


  1. What a fun, easy, and neat idea. I will be trying this out with my daughter. She knows her numbers (up to 10) so I will need to write 11-20.This brilliant idea that you have shared can be any object. I might use her little dolls. Not sure if we have so many cars. Will totally tag you when I do this idea. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to try this out with my little one. :)

    1. I hope your little girl enjoys it. Thanks for stopping by :).


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